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Drop-In Discussions

Sometimes our discussions are based on certain books or articles, but you don’t have to read anything or do any advance preparation to participate. Just drop-in. People of all viewpoints are welcome to make presentations or join in the discussions.


​​Two Ways to Participate!​​​


Virtual Drop-In Discussions: 

Virtual drop-in discussions meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm via Zoom.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 875 3528 4436

Passcode: 665971


In-Person Drop-In Discussions: 

In-person drop-in discussions are held on the first Sunday morning of each month

in the Chalice Room on the second floor of our church, starting at 9:15am (during the regular church year, and off during the summer months).​


Have you read/written a book or article, attended or presented a workshop or talk, or have a topic that you would like to share with us? Is there a topic you would like to learn more about?

Don't hesitate to get in touch with our Drop-In Discussion Committee:

​December 2024

Tuesday, December 3: A Future That Works

Our country has had great successes in the past, and continues to act as though, with modest adjustments, our future success will be assured. The USA and the world have a lot invested in the status quo. But times have changed, and new thinking, policies, and actions are needed. Hank Stone will present.​


Tuesday, December 10: Founding Fathers vs Christian Nationalism

Many “founding fathers” were deists and active in Unitarian churches in the Revolutionary era. They experienced the complexities of persecution from church and state enmeshment. Let's consider this issue from the viewpoint of historical figures who were there, and consider the confusing and manipulative statements that you might be hearing from the Christian Nationalist movement. Rev. Michelle will facilitate.​


Tuesday, December 17: Rochester Education Foundation

Phil Hounshell from the Rochester Education Foundation will present on their ‘College Access & Success Program’ working with Rochester high school students.​


Tuesday, December 24: ***Christmas Eve Church Service** (No Zoom Drop-in Tonight)


Tuesday, December 31: New Years Resolutions or “Best-By” List

There are ways to be and things to do while “making our way” into our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and do so living well in the meantime. Joy Leccese will be our NYE presenter.​​


In-person Drop-In Discussions:​​

Sunday, September 8 at 9:15am in the Chalice Room *In-Person* - Tony Seba: Great Transformation

Tony Seba is an economist, author, and futurist. He has been guessing right for years on electric vehicles replacing internal combustion cars. He accurately predicted renewable electricity becoming the cheapest energy source in the world. Seba says the world is experiencing “The Great Transformation of Humanity.” Hank Stone presents.


Sunday, October 6 at 9:15am in the Chalice Room *In-Person* - Reimagining Church

Does the age-old tradition of "church" have any relevance in our postmodern society?  Does a church building and age-old traditions such as standing, sitting, music or readings still serve? Can we maintain a spiritual outlook outside of a formal 'church' setting? Your opinions matter. David Damico facilitates.  â€‹


Sunday, November 3 at 9:15am in the Chalice Room *In-Person* - Speech Codes

Do they have a place in Unitarian Universalism? Bill Elwell will facilitate a discussion.​


Sunday, December 1 at 9:15am in the Chalice Room *In-Person* - Global Warming

Dwight Montague will do a presentation Dec. 1 on climate change - how to think about it and how to respond to it.

Phil Ebersole is facilitator unless otherwise mentioned. Topics are subject to change. If you have a topic you would like discussed or, better still, would like to lead a discussion, speak to Phil Ebersole.​

People at a table with coffee drinks discussing something

If you have an outside speaker in mind that you think should be invited, have a topic you’d like discussed or, better still, would be willing to lead a discussion, please contact

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