Religious Education

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Religious Education is an opportunity to support each other as individuals,
families, and communities in an ongoing search for truth and meaning. Through quality curricula, discussion, and various formats of learning for children, youth, and adults, we seek to transform ourselves and our world through continually learning and growing together.
Children's Faith Development
Sunday Mornings, September-June | 10:30 am – 11:45am
Children's religious education is offered on Sunday mornings during Sunday service throughout the school year. It is a special time here at First Universalist. Each Sunday we begin our experience in the Sanctuary as a whole community. After hearing the Story, our young people (ages 4+) continue their worship experience in the Children’s Chapel. Guided by trained religious educators, they are encouraged to explore and reflect upon life’s biggest questions. Each child has an opportunity to deepen their understanding of Unitarian Universalism while learning what it means to live lives full of dignity, meaning, and compassion.
Childcare for children 6 weeks to 6 years old is available Sunday Mornings during service from 10:15-11:50am, September through June.
Summer services begin at 10:00 am, so childcare is from 9:45-11:20.
Care providers are screened staff or volunteers.
Children are supported in shared play, and will often have a chance to light a(n electric) chalice, share their joys and sorrows, listen to a story that embodies UU values, and enjoy a craft or activity.